NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers
@isochronism, NTG is very clear in stating that Einstein's theory of general relativity is a very accurate model of gravity.  You need to get past the first 10 seconds of YouTube videos.
We have limits and we have laws, or have you forgotten that?

All the best,
Do you think I've forgotten that?  Nowhere do we have a law that allows people to come into our country at will. I don't care if they're lily white. Follow the law when you emigrate to the U.S., most here will welcome you with open arms. I'm a fan of the rule of law, applied to all. The alternative is chaos.
And stop talking about the Trump administration's 'cruelty and depravity'. Or put your money where your mouth is provide some valid sources. Depravity, give me a break. They investigated the man for damn near two years, then folded up their tent and left town, what a farce.

Post removed 
I’m really surprised that folks, including long time members (longer than me and I think I’ve been here since late ’05), are using the board this way. I have no role as a moderator, but I don’t think of this as "safe space" or any of the other cultural warfare memes-- politics of any sort should be avoided--what do the terms of use here say? It makes for a very toxic place and I’m not someone who was just casually involved in the early days of the Internet.
Maybe there isn’t much to say on the topic of the thread or people are angry? I’m not going to pretend to know why, but I don’t consider this to be appropriate for an audio board. Who am I? One person.