NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers
@jond- it doesn't matter which "side" is doing the politics. I keep that private or for the purposes of this board, outside its orbit. So I would not single out one post or one side-
meet ya in the middle Bill, where much needed progress will be made…or at least needed…
So my response to someone with easily googled facts was flagged for deletion by some Karen? Did they think it was something related to CRT?

All the best,
@nonoise - why? You've been here a long time. Can you appreciate that this is supposed to be about audio and related, and not political/cultural warfare? FWIW, I didn't flag or report you. I am asking you and others to take the politics elsewhere. I'm not dealing with the red/blue or right/wrong or any side of it. My politics are my business. They don't belong on this board. 
But, and help me, I have old eyes, where are the limitations on topics of content in the TOU? I took a quick look, and aside from the DMCA notice provisions, saw none. (Which means that the TOU may not prohibit such discussions. Help?)