A pitch too High!

Recently, I damaged the V2 MM cartridge of Clearaudio Concept Wood turntable, so had it changed with a Grado Prestige Blue. The VTF for V2 is 2.2g while Grado blue stands at 1.5g. I took someone’s help to fix this. He even made azimuth adjustments and it sounded fine. But I soon realised that the sound had become thinner, voice being the primary indicator and just before the stylus landed on the record, it skipped back a bit then hit the record. Sometimes the tonearm would skip all the way out of the record, backwards. I called the guy back, and he felt the VTF should be fixed to around 2g to avoid the backward skip. He did so and that problem was licked and it seemed the voice thinning issue had also vanished. But last night, I put on the first pressing of Aretha Franklin Amazing Grace, and all along I found her pitch way higher, it was all too high pitched and uncomfortable. Seemed the bass had gone missing a little. On my Boulder 866, I could immediately hear the difference when the track was played through Roon. It was not as high pitched, thin as it sounded on analogue. I intend to call the guy again but wanted to know from experts here as to what the issue could be.
Until the problem is sorted out, consider staying away from using any records you value.
I think the issue ihere is that you are not doing your own setup. If you did, you would soon know what affects what. If someone tells you the answer it’s like getting govt cheese. You can only value what you earn.

just before the stylus landed on the record, it skipped back a bit then hit the record. Sometimes the tonearm would skip all the way out of the record, backwards. 

WTF? Explain. How does it skip BEFORE hitting the record???! Cartridge body hit the record? What do you mean "back a bit"? If it skipped to the outside that indicates excessive anti-skate. Did your setup guru change anti-skate? See above- you need to be doing this yourself in order to understand what is going on!
Sometimes the tonearm would skip all the way out of the record, backwards.
Again, "all the way out of the record"? All the way to the outside? Or does "out of the record" mean up, up and away? Is the record warped? What is going on here anyway?
I have given up on the idea of doing it myself, I am just not up to it. Lets leave it there. 

I am using a Boulder 508 Phonostage. And yes I did check that the tonearm is parallel to the record. The gentleman who brought up the VTF also checked the 2 point alignment and adjusted the azimuth (if that's what it's called. On the anti-skating bit, Clearaudio advises not to mess with it as it comes adjusted from the factory.

When the VTF was set to 1.5g, one noticed that just before hitting the record, the tonearm would move back a tiny bit before hitting the record. It was an odd movement and it was deduced by the fellow who set it up as an issue with the VTF and he increased it to 2g. That sorted the tiny backwards movement. He also checked everything else after that and found it to be working fine. We heard a Leonard Cohen record and the bass that had disappeared came back up and the music sounded fine. Till two days later I put in the first pressing of Aretha Franklin's Amazing Grace, and it sounded sharper than I remembered her voice.