Is it Possible??

Is it possible for speakers to sound better when you hear them while sitting in a different room that the speakers are in or when you stand behind them?  If so why does this occur and what can I do to improve my listening experience while sitting in the same room as the audio gear. 
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I am struck by how much excess treble there must be for them to sound better when elsewhere. I am thinking it is likely a combination of possibly harsh electronic signal plus really revealing beryllium tweeters. What is your source, preamp, and amp?
I recall large Magnepans (3 screens per side) sounding really good, though not better, from an adjacent room years ago.

Your post made me wonder if "treating" the "other room" instead of the playback room would make them sound even better.

what Millercarbon said.

Most of the nastiness in everything from flawed digital to poor recordings occurs in the high frequencies. Rolling it off often makes the majority of multi-track, compressed, shrill rock recordings sound better -- at least to many people.  It ought not be true on really good recordings.

It may point to harshness or brightness somewhere (or everywhere) in your system.

I frequently think that my speakers sound great from across the hall from my listening room in my office. It's different of course because there's no "soundstage",  but it still sounds very natural and dynamic, and that imaging/soundstage aspect doesn't matter at those times.