Tube Amp, Preamp upgrades -- what did you do that improved your units?

Hi folks,
If you upgraded a point-to-point wired tube amp or preamp, what did you upgrade?
I assume capacitors, but was there anything else which you upgraded that made a genuine difference for the sound?
I am looking into improving the caps in my Quicksilver stuff, but before doing that, I am curious if there's anything in addition to caps which I should consider.
Before changing the insides, put it on Nordost SortKones or Grand Prix Audio footers.

They made an improvement to every tube preamp I have owned, including a Quicksilver phono preamp
Before changing the insides, put it on Nordost SortKones or Grand Prix Audio footers.

Are you saying to do this because it might erase the desire to do other tweaks or because it is important as a preliminary step? I realize it's easier than making a change to the amp, but why "before"? Thank you.
I found that it made a significant reduction in the noise/distortion floor. 

If you do it "before" you can better understand the effect of future changes.
My rec does not add remote volume, just "likely better" sound by replacing the volume pot.
