The world has changed. Several years ago I realized the retail high-end hi-fi was destine to become either the domain of the Interior Decorator or the Web. I don't need to explain the web part, folks with some knowledge are educated sufficiently to know how this stuff works and (except for intragate wire pulling) install and even enjoy the DIY aspect of the hobby.
The Interior Decorator responds to the issue of a room as presentation space, a whole presentation of sight and sound. Not a sound room but a space to impress, to generate envy, and the illusion of culture and taste. Hi-end hi-fi is much like expensive furniture and paintings, The goal is not a listening space but a presentation space, a small piece of theater is a larger construct to announce attributes of the owner. In the end it is not about a personal musical experience but a larger more public ego experience.
Both are legitimate desires using the same hardware, just different goals.
The Interior Decorator responds to the issue of a room as presentation space, a whole presentation of sight and sound. Not a sound room but a space to impress, to generate envy, and the illusion of culture and taste. Hi-end hi-fi is much like expensive furniture and paintings, The goal is not a listening space but a presentation space, a small piece of theater is a larger construct to announce attributes of the owner. In the end it is not about a personal musical experience but a larger more public ego experience.
Both are legitimate desires using the same hardware, just different goals.