Horn speakers are really bright?

So I’m trying to understand why so many people think klipsch or horn speakers are bright 

I have two  set up garage and living room both with horn speakers EPIC CF4 garage and and KLF 30 mahogany living room  

I have recorded this songs with my iPhone  listen to them and feel free to tell me what you don’t like about them
 by the way I don’t have any room treatment


Here's what I've come to learn about Klipsches, DON'T PLAY LOUD ROCK MUSIC THROUGH THEM. That's where they get brashy, honky, and headachy.  Those horns are nice with certain genres at reasonable volumes, but crank them up with many types or rock/country and you're asking for an ear piercing. 

I was cranking the crap out of the Moana soundtrack (don't laugh take a listen) with the Klipschorns and Tektons next to each other and the Khorns made me want to wear earmuffs while the Tektons were smoother and more listenable at very high volumes and offered more chest pounding slam too.

I've long suggested this be a "sticky" here on Audiogon:

Sounds Like? An Audio Glossary | Stereophile.com

"bright, brilliant  The most often misused used terms in audio, these describe the degree to which reproduced sound has a hard, crisp edge to it. Brightness relates to energy content in the 4kHz-8kHz band. It is not related to output in the extreme-high-frequency range. All live sound has brightness; it is only a problem when it is excessive."
I’m consistently mystified by uploaded YouTube videos with the idea of judging system or music quality. 
However, I do like this discussion. 
Here's what I've come to learn about Klipsches, DON'T PLAY LOUD ROCK MUSIC THROUGH THEM. That's where they get brashy, honky, and headachy. Those horns are nice with certain genres at reasonable volumes, but crank them up with many types or rock/country and you're asking for an ear piercing.
 As PWK himself would say "Bulls&*t"

A well placed horn in a well thought out room with a good front end will play ALL music with aplomb.
I've owned many Klipsch speakers including the KLF-30 and CF-3 (ver. 3).  I currently have a pair of Quartets in my bedroom system.  They are built to a price point, and in that range, they offer a lot of bang for the buck. 

With jazz vocals or acoustic guitar music at moderate volumes, the Quartets are sublime. 

Everyone wants to crank them up.  That's when their weaknesses become apparent, not just the brightness, but somewhat loose bass, and in the case of some models like the KLF-30 you'll hear the cabinets.  With some modifications, the KLF-30s became really nice speakers and easy to listen to.  Mods I did to mine included Crites tweeters, mids, and crossovers, dynamat on the horns, and re-gluing the back panel of the cabinets  The CF-3s are one of the few things that I kind of regret selling.  Of course it's been a long time ago and a lot of speakers later, so I may be romanticizing their sound a bit, but I really enjoyed those. 

Someone has a pair of CF-4s for sale here locally and I've been having to talk myself out of buying them.