Ready For Digital Source...Computer?

I have speakers and amplification all figured out, now I need a source. No vinyl and not concerned with CD's at this point.
Only steaming online. No Roon either, been there, done that. 

Honestly, (because I need a new computer anyway) I would really like to use a computer to play Spotify (hopefully CD-quality soon), Tidal, Qobuz, etc. but most say a computer is too "Noisy" to use for this purpose. Although, I have heard there are ways around this.

Rather than having to purchase a dedicated music server, does anyone know how to set up a computer as a high-quality music server? I can't really seem to find anything online.



....y'all can hold the laughter and snidery.....

What do you think studios are using to track and record 'music', anyway?

Wax cylinders?  Lacquered discs?  Master tapes, perhaps.....but given the width of mastering boards of late, most are going D2D.....

...and some of us just prefer to 'go with the flow'....since fighting it is just tiring anyway.... *s*

Burned all my CDs to my Mac tower.

Run the audio to my AppleTV 3 via WiFi, and send from the AppleTV to my DAC via optical. 

Granted, I rarely listen to digital sources and I don't use a streaming service...

This is just a way for me to fill the room with sound, and it can be controlled via my iPad or phone.

The convenience and low cost works for my needs.

My interest in digital will change one day I'm sure, and at that point I'll look to upgrade, but for now, this is fine for me.




@perkri , "To each, his/her/either their own..." ;)

I can enjoy a SET as well as most, but prefer to roll papers (or valve lifter pushrods, once upon a fender) as opposed to tubes....;)

I've been using my MacBook Pro as my source for a few years. Used a USB/SPIDF converter to convert the USB to coax to go into my Dac.

Was pretty happy with that setup.


I migrated (in a few steps) from computer (been there....done that) to a streamer with DAC on board. If you can afford to pony up for such the SQ is so much better. Leave the computer for computing. A used Brooklyn bridge might be the ticket?