$39K for the Linn Klimax DAC/streamer?

It has to be set up using a special service and there is no manual? I guess this for the very wealthy few who do not care about "gear." I would rather buy a car with this money, or part of a Porsche, and set up my own DAC/streamer. But Stephen Scarf at Absolute Sound says.."unquestionably the best combination DAC/streamer I've ever heard, bar none." Great hyperbole, may hold true for a month or two, then some other over-priced bit of kit comes along..
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And just wait an extra couple of weeks to order yours used for a mere $19,999!

John Atkinson had an editorial in Stereophile during the financial meltdown.  It discussed income inequality, and opined that the key to survival for most of us would be figuring out how to serve the one percenters.  It only gets more relevant with the passage of time

Strange post and even more stranger responses, I should say. I thought we are here to discuss audio and not spending habits. The fact that one is not ready or not able to pay certain price doesn't mean the price is necessarily crazy. Anyway most if not all of the audiophiles seem strange (not to use stronger words) to the rest, so do obviously some of us, ready to pay big dollars in the quest for the perfect sound and the grande listening pleasure.

The person being quoted said it is the best server he ever heard.  How do we know that this is a lie or hyperbole?  It might be that, and whether or not it is worth $39k is a different matter.

I have not heard this latest Linn server.  But, many years ago I did hear their top of the line CD player and it was a truly fantastic player.  I also heard their early servers.  They were in this game sooner than most companies, so they have had plenty of time to up their game.  

As to the "value" of such a server, I won't get into the big picture philosophy which is pointless to argue here.  As an audio component, it is worth that price if it performs up to the competition in sound quality, build, convenience, utility, etc.  I did not see any of those here criticizing it mention what they heard and experienced with the product vs. their experience with other competitive products.