Ridiculous assertions that someone is being ripped off or conned

How many times has this scenario played out here? Someone purchases product X, and tries it in their system. They report positive results, that it works as advertised, that they got their money’s worth, that they are happy with the purchase. Then someone, usually having zero experience with the product, replies with something like: “No, you’ve got it all wrong! You’re being ripped off! You’re being conned!

Does anyone else understand how ridiculous and absurd these kinds of assertions are?! The consumer who actually put up their own money and took the time to evaluate the product in their own home/system reports it works as advertised, they are happy with it, that they got their money’s worth. Then someone else claims they were ripped off?!

Imagine an agency investigating consumer fraud getting a complaint like this: “My neighbor is being ripped off!” “No, no, he thinks it’s great, does everything he expected it to. He’s very happy with it, but I just know he’s being conned!” Do you seriously think they’re going to open any kind of investigation into it?

You can disagree with what someone says about the effectiveness of a product all you want, but to say they have been defrauded, when they report the exact opposite, is patently ridiculous.


There are those here that, without ever trying them, somehow know for absolute certain that particular products are “scams” or “ripoffs”, that there is no possible way that they can have any effect on the sound of anyone's system. That is their opinion, and they are entitled to hold and express it.


However, their actions and behavior go way beyond expressing their own opinion. They are completely intolerant of any differing opinion. Any positive mention of said products offends them so much that they have to suppress it. They do this by incessantly making posts that are mocking, insulting, degrading and provocative to anyone who dares to disagree with them. They become self-appointed censors, and make it clear that if you post positively about certain things, they will make you pay. Many others, who wish to to share their experiences and opinions in a respectful, civilized environment, without vicious personal attacks, decide not to. The censors win, and the forum is degraded.



One more thing, if your English is not so good please post in your original language and let us translate. I am almost thinking some of these posters are trolls. 

I believe you are correct re: trolls. Tubebuffer is a perfect example: aggressive, insulting, arrogant and a remarkable consistency to his inconsistency with the language. Reminds me somewhat of @digitalviper.



Many come here to learn. To let unproven claims and fantastical benefits go without criticism does us all a disservice. Mockery may cross the line but it has been an accepted practice of discounting emotionally based assumptions. The fishing lure does not have to lure the fish. 

The mistake that they made was post it here.

Just keep your happiness to yourself.

Understood. In most cases that should and does work fine.

But we are rapidly approaching the point where ’opting out’ of the conflict that is encountered... where the insanity of such projections in weakness of mental capacity, hearing capacity, reasoning capacity and civility in relations... where those projections in/of violence -are being a detriment to the forum and it’s intent. It’s tearing the place apart.

At that point, if the forum is valued by the members, at all...one has to stop turning the other cheek.. and make it clear, that this poorly reasoned position (and continual projection) of ’hatred and violence’ toward others who are working to advance audio...that this insanity - has to be countered.

Canuck audio tames it by having a cable and tweak area for threads. Where any counter to the idea that such things are functional (in attempt or in analysis), is not tolerated.

Meaning.. threads where people discuss tweaks, or mods or cables and so on, if a naysayer posts there, and interrupts the discussion, in any way, they get their posts deleted. And...if the given naysayer can’t hold their tongue, after said deletion-ish warnings..... they will, rapidly, via any repeats in behavior, find themselves banned from the forum. They have to grow up, or get lost.

Sooner or later the wild grass needs to be trimmed, otherwise it will entropically destroy the Raison d’être attempt of taming the wilds of the unknowns in audio.

The maximal aspects of ’the good being the enemy of the great’ are at play here. The nasty group can be more violent, in the real world and in projections on paper or in posting. That fundamental in such projections - it inevitably has to be countered, otherwise we become lesser in connectivity and in our entire society/culture.

If one values audio (as a vehicle to deliver satisfaction via music) do not let the Pol Pots of the mundane world of average intellect and capacity - force their retrograding nightmare upon the fabric of Audio. A little knowledge, is a dangerous thing. Hard core Dunning-Kruger is at play here.

"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." - Albert Einstein.

The dark twist, is that they think they are doing the good in the audio world. I’m pretty sure that Pol Pot thought he was doing the same.

@jpwarren58, I think you are right. Some of them are. 

That fact that a system appears to sound better after an inconsequential change is explained fully by the way we process sensory input. That "improvement" is not durable so like a rat pressing a button to get a treat the behavior repeats continully.

The people who make audiophile garbage are obviously quite aware of this based on the marketing they conjure up in an attempt to provide a rational explanation for a sonic benefit. They are knowingly taking advantage of people who are either  unaware of this sensory trait or unwilling to accept it's reality. 

Looking at it from another angle, money changing hands is always good for the economy and it generates taxes, just like cigarette smoking and gasoline consumption. 

Tommylion, do yourself a favor and save up your money for a good set of speakers. You'll get a lot more bang for yur money.