He’s a slick talking anti-American, anti-military French Canadian socialist.
First: french-canadians people have already proved to all what they are made of, not only in the last three main wars, first and second world war and Korea, but for many centuries beginning at a time where america was even not, save few people on the east coast......Then they are not anti military they are against most useless wars americans did after 1945... We are against most wars because we are not an Empire ...I hope you are against them yourself if you understand all the lies behind them...
Second: french canadians are way less anti american than some americans which are themselves strongly anti canadian to begin with, calling us in their ignorance "communists"...All french canadians love the best there is to love in America...Not the worst...
Third: educate yourself, socialism is not communism, and your american dream capitalism anyway dont exist now for half a century at least...Socialism in quebec has nothing to do with "wokism" for example...And socialism in quebec is not the only political thread...Socialism in quebec is more akin to Sweden and has nothing to do with Russia under Stalin or China...
Four: Trudeau Father and son are not french canadian in their soul identified as Quebecers at all, their first language is English...They identified as canadian ONLY and want to crush the Quebec nation state singularity in an anonymus melting pot...Before Trudeau father, in 1960, Canada was a confederation of 3 founding nations struggling to be together...Indians first nation, French and English speaking people...Trudeau crush the confederation to create a melting pot federation...His son made that worst...
Anyway schubert say it better than me... But i dont like to be called an anti military "socialist"....You can deduce from that, i am a french canadian...
I apologize for this rant answering to another rant...
It is better to stay on jazz...