Tube Line Stage around $5k

Thinking of replacing my Conrad Johnson Classic 2 SE.    Its a great sounding preamp but I've had it since '13 and am looking for something with remote.   Dual pre-outs a must .   Volume only remote is fine but volume and source would be ideal.  Thanks.


"In that case your myopia prevents you from looking at Nagra, Wavac, Kondo and Audionote"

Not at all.... those are all beyond my means. $5k is stretching it

I guess what I should have said was I don’t want anything made in China

Post removed 

I really appreciate all the replies.  I am 54 ,  I need a "destination " preamp ...  meaning it will be good until my final destination 

+1 on considering the PS Audio. I dont have any experience with their BHK stuff but I did run their S300 for years without a hitch and it was a great amp for what I paid for it. The BHK pre is $6.5K new but there is a used unit on USAudio mart for a purdy good price.  I am sure they  get some of the compenents from APAC but I have been in their facility as its just down the road from my house and I am pretty sure all their BHK stuff is assembled right here in Boulder and many parts are sourced here in Colorado. 




"I need a "destination " preamp ... " 


I've had three of those now since I was your age.