I do not want to hyjack this thread , but truth is a highly philosophical thematic
Even Jesus had not answered Pointus Pilates , when asked what is ´´ Truth ´´
( by the way , I have no belief , what so ever , about God , etc )
People in their 20s 30 years ago were full of dreams.
People in their 20s today are full of fears about what’s next with the climate.
Truth is a craving of the soul...Not mainly something we can wrote about in a legal trial....
No answer can feed our thirst for truth save the "water" flowing through all living creatures......
And young people dreams are seeds waiting for waters ....
Nowadays the world prepared for us by "criminals" deprive the youngs of their dreams...The dreams are SOLD to them at a cheap price...
And anyway this thread about an "ignore button" is only a new nail in the coffin of "truth" at worst, at best it suggest a tool to eliminate for some what is perceived like moskitoes bites......
There is no truth manifestation in the world WITHOUT enthusiam and awe for all that exist, especially our fellow men ...
«Truth is a living process we are all into not a legal trial»-Anonymus Smith