The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 

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Which fuse should I buy? I'll order it tonight, put it in and report back in a few weeks. We do lots of blind test but this one will take a bit more planning because the amp will have to be opened up.


You should buy SR purple and the QSA yellow.  I would love to hear your views.

No matter what the nay sayers say, I know what I've heard when getting SR Black fuses for my amp, then SR Red for my Dac, and then SR Orange for my amp and Dac.

The SR Purple are next for me.


And btw, I don't need saving. My money, my hobby, my ears, my music, my joy.

Oregonpapa, Would it be risky to apply an electrical contact protector to an SR Violet fuse? Since there is already graphene used in this fuse, should we avoid adding more and limit ourselves only to a cleaning and protection product, such as ProGold? I believe that these products should be applied very carefully and without putting on too much and then wiping off the excess? I'd like to get your opinion on this, and if that might alter the original sound?