Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


I'm also in public health, currently working on three Covid fatalities.  All unvaccinated, all middle aged, all healthy.  One gal went straight from headache to the morgue in eight days.  A new time record as far as my Covid fatalities (in total).

Tony Fauci was an unknown career public health official who has dedicated his entire LIFE and CAREER to helping others stay healthy.  Until of course he dared to point out trump's ignorance (a shot of Lysol, anyone!?!?!?).  It's truly laughable watching the haters pile on based on a SINGLE "noble lie".  Many of these people whistle straight past trump's BIG LIES (the Covid ones - plural):  "it's just the flu", "it'll magically go away", "everyone will get it", "children can't get it", "natural herd immunity is the way to go!", etc.  Not only do they whistle past all of THAT, but they continue ignoring (or outright denying) it while demonizing the career experts.  They hang their entire "FIRE FAUCI!" case on an instance where he tried to do right (compared to their cult leader, who continued exposing others to his Covid, putting their very lives at risk).  Fauci explained himself - the other side just came up with more spoon-fed, Rusian/Chinese Covid misinformation.  Take my healthcare cues from some bowtie-wearing trustfund punk who rails against vaccine mandates but doesn't have the courage of his convictions to reveal his own vaccination status?  Why?  Because of the money?  And the perverse pleasure he obviously gets in thoroughly insulting the intelligence of his mind-numb robots on a nightly basis?  Hey!  I'm just asking the question!  LMFAO

By all means..............live "free" (and/or die).

As far as masks not being effective at helping spread infections?  I'm sure the millions of surgeons across the world who have been masked up in their operating theaters for that last 150 years will find that proposition highly amusing.  I was recently deposed by a party who was on the wrong side of this argument.  Hapless attorney-man was almost giddy when he presented me with some Indian study that allegedly showed the ineffectiveness of masks on viruses.  He quickly zipped down to page 18 of the scientific paper to start pointing out fabric pore size, virus size, etc.  Imagine his dismay when I directed him back up to the first sentence of the "Background" on page one that I quickly caught when he put the document up on the screen.  The sentence that read "Masks are an effective component at helping reduce the spread of infectious diseases."  The look on his face when I read that simple statement was absolutely..................priceless.  LOL

Ron is not gone

May his channel live on

I feel for his children's health

So get the vax and save someone else

hartf36 Are you conscious that your post content is a political rant like those you attack rightfully or not?

Oh... Maghister’s astute post just reminded me of another...which contributes to their lack of credibility.

Do as we say...not as we do.