Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


Funny how you neglected to comment on any of the substance.

Speaking of "credibility".


One example how i may adress some point in your politically motivated content posting:

Do you know what Kary Mullis, nobel prize winner who invent the PCR technology think of Fauci? Fauci is after Bill Gates the most powerful man in health with a multi billions dollars budget who control all research and publications on the states and even in the world for the sake of corporations... Your post prove that you dont have a clue about Fauci...Mullis think he is TOTALLY incompetent...

Ask the nobel winner Montagnier what he think about Fauci? He will say the same than Mullis...

There exist even books about Fauci debacle in AIDS and in this crisis....But is 2 Nobel winners opinion about someone they perfectly know not a BIG RED LIGHT SIGNAL?

Do you think that 2 nobel prize winners so different in characters are deluded about a man they PERFECTLY know contrary to you?


Study and quit politics ....It is my advice to you....

You post is only insecure political ranting ...Nothing to do with medecine even if you are a doctor...

There we go...as predicted, someone finally trotted out the label of "anti-Vaxxers " to sledgehammer their grade school ideology.

Until people start realizing that there are many many "pro-vaxxers" (for lack of a better schoolyard term) that have issues with the handling and politicization of this virus there can be no useful discourse.

Nice touch with the Invermectin comment though. Subtle as an oil spill. Let me guess, you don’t like 45? 🤣


"including the inventor of mRNA?"  Good lord man, do you *really* think mRNA was invented by a man???  mRNA was "invented" by evolution (or God if you believe in that...stuff). mRNA codes for proteins, and the vaccine is just mRNA strands that code for a specific spike protein, and has the body's cells produce it to tirgger the immune response. You can either learn facts, or spout nonsense. Clearly you've chosen the latter.

The medical experts with lots of education, training and experience in their specialty are the ones you should get your advice from,

I agree



You agree that you should get advice from medical experts yet cite a purely partisan political source. The study referenced by your Federalist citation was retracted. Shocker, I know.



"including the inventor of mRNA?" Good lord man, do you *really* think mRNA was invented by a man??? mRNA was "invented" by evolution (or God if you believe in that...stuff). mRNA codes for proteins, and the vaccine is just mRNA strands that code for a specific spike protein, and has the body’s cells produce it to tirgger the immune response. You can either learn facts, or spout nonsense. Clearly you’ve chosen the latter.



Your reaction resemble a child reaction when he "proudly" spot an error in the discourse of a grown up...

Do you really think that a simple evident OMISSION  error writing in  a post justify your insulting post instead of a polite correction ?


Look in a mirror and analyse yourself your own  reaction... Call that a free medical advice by me...