Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


Remember though, Khughes...according to 46... we must choose TRUTH over facts🤣

I cannot fathom the general stupidity about masks...

Yes we must keep one in risky environment...

No forced mandates about masks EVERYWHERE are not a solution here...like MASS vaxx...

Education,rational action, free consent of a population are the hallmark of democracies...

We cannot imitate china and beat it in dictatorship... They are stronger than us in this field...But are they ? Who is behind mass forced insane vaccinations here?

a clue: not China....



Another strawman politically driven post against truth by promoting half truth...

Even a child understand that a new technology always is born by a STRING of scientists works, not one..But is this contradict the fact that there exist a man who devise the first idea? No save for someone reading self promoted "fact chekers" employed by the censorship google itself...It is easy to verify who has the idea of mRNA technology...It is a year date in all books....Even biased wiki said so....



Newsflash: Robert Mallone did NOT invent mRNA vaccines. He was simply one of many who had a hand in their development. He sounds rather sour-grapes-ish about things.

Who is behind mass forced insane vaccinations here?

Do you also believe that it was FAUCI, of all people, who had Mullis killed.....?

