Help Logging in to Qobuz with Teac NT 505

Is anyone else having a problem accessing Qobuz using the HR or LUMIN steaming app with a Teac NT 505? I get a message saying Logging in to Qobuz after I enter my credentials but it never connects.




I have a Lumin and an NT-505 so one app controls both. I just checked and Qobuz still is logged in and works fine. I only use the Lumin app, not the Teac one. Roon also works fine.

I have the NT505 but dont stream Qobuz That said, I suspect you may need to reboot the system, IE the modem & router.


I recently changed the wifi system but I’m not thinking that should have any effect on the this correct? Would be easier if there was a WiFi login to the Teac...