Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube



is your freedom threatened by mass Covid vaccinations?

Do you not believe they've saved lives? (Perhaps you don't .)

Or do you believe massive loss of life is worth it for your freedom?



Some are putting words in my mouth i never said i will not answer and repeat what i just said above...



Other false non sense about medecine  and the drug observed efficacy in observational studies worldwide  and random trials ...

There exist studies about the value of observationnal studies versus random trials studies and their very different function ...

I will not go further because it will serve no purpose at all you dont want to think... You want to be right ...



is your freedom threatened by mass Covid vaccinations?

Do you not believe they’ve saved lives? (Perhaps you don’t .)

Or do you believe massive loss of life is worth it for your freedom?



Another accusation resembling a fact put in my mouth...

I never contested the usefulness of vaccine i contested the MASS INSANE forced politic mandates obligation...my refusal of mandates is based on mass evolution  dynamic  of mutating viruses in epidemiology first, then on democratic freedom second, yes...Not on Trump or Biden clowns politic...

Vaxx are tools like any drug( ivermectin and others)

Dividing people between "vaxxer" and "horse paste" user is insanity...

Dont put me in these 2 groups of people with words you put in my mouth...

It seems someone who dont take for cash all the " black or white" opinions by these 2 insane group: mass vaxxers and fools " who think Mullis was assassinated" is no more understood...

count me out...

In a schoolyard where there exist two groups of foes ANYBODY is compel to choose.. Sorry i am not one children in your ball park...i think then i am with no groups of extremists: insane political vaxx mass action is not for me nor is negation of the existence of this virus...



Evidence is now clear that in fact, "natural" antibody response is not as effective as the mRNA vaccines. And no one knows the length of antibody activity at this time.

This is correct. 

Funny, I just took a phone call yesterday from a business owner who I have dealt with in the past.  She wanted to know about the status of the federal vaccine mandate (it's lingering, no immediate action pending anytime soon - likely be 1Q 2022 before anything is decided - it's going to SCOTUS regardless of what the Sixth Circuit decides).  Any way, she also wanted to know if vaccinations would be required for those who already had Covid because, you know, those people are "27 more times protected against a re-infection as those who are vaccinated".  I had to gently tell her "no, m'am, that's not the best information available."  I advised her that, while "natural immunity" based on prior infection is certainly valuable, and that it could surely be enough to prevent one from being re-infected, there is no credible data out there to suggest it's better than vaccinations.  Data is piling up by the day that vaccines are more effective at preventing infection than "natural immunity".  It's better than nothing, sure, but it's not better than a double dose of one of the vaccines (which, as has been pointed out, are NOT "experimental").  There really is no substantive scientific debate about it.  A few outliers with agendas, sure (Scott Atlas, anyone?) but.........it's background noise.  

Thankfully, as she always has been when I've had to correct her misinformation during prior interactions, she was very receptive, not argumentative at all.  She wanted to know what information I was working from ("CDC?"), and I politely explained that the CDC is the clearinghouse for all the in-house studies being done by teaching hospitals, healthcare foundations and institutions, regional health departments, etc.  They're crunching their numbers and passing them on:  some are on a community-wide basis, county-wide, state-wide, even hospital-wide.  All manner of numbers are coming in daily from anyone and eveyone who has a hand in tracking, diagnosing and treating Covid cases.  It's unfortunate that the other side just keeps making stuff up at almost the same pace in their zeal to deny reality.  A large portion of the garbage being pushed out is nothing more than Russian and Chinese propaganda.  You don't think they're busily taking notes on how easy it would be to effect a massively successfuly biological attack on America, do you?  Hell, now they see how easy it would be to kill off hundreds of thousands of Americans because...................."freedom".  Very easy to politically divide and conquer with simple propganda.  Make it about..........masks.  Make it about something that Americans of all stripe have gotten for DECADES:  vaccinations.  Little Johnny play Little League?  He needed a "forced medical procedure" in the way of a simple physical exam.  "Forced immunization" to attend grade school.  Now suddenly this is new?  Time to plant a political flag about "too much government control!"?  

They're now calling it a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" for good reason.  When 99+% of serious hospitalizations and deaths are of the unvaccinated....well. 

Look at this way:  if you walk into a casino and have a 99-to-1 chance of winning  $1,000,000 on a $10,000 bet.........who's NOT going to take those odds in a New York minute?  You'd be crazy not to, right?