Great thread. I agree with the premise of course.
We would be interested to know why, if you heard what you wanted from the Audio Note speakers why you're not intent on those. Placement constraints?
The ear/brain has a tipping point- if the speed isn't there, the brain moves the music processing from the limbic system to the cerebral cortex- robbing the music of some of its emotional impact
The above perhaps one of the most important comments that I've ever read on these forums. And, it is at the heart of the answer to the OP.
That aside,, I’m beginning to believe most important component in a FR is the cone material.
I suppose the above may be common knowledge but posts in these recommendation related threads are not often explicit on this aspect. Anyway, I think this writer is really on to something. Tone. Poly-anything drivers (Devore included) to me make instruments sound a little bit like they're made of plastic. Great speakers to be sure but I couldn't live with the tonal effects (affects?).
Seems like there are always trade-offs. Emotion vs. precision a big one. I love the presence of the music that comes from my Kornerhorns but sometimes I wish I could experience better stereo imaging on them. I understand why they don't image like Vandersteens but love the horns regardless.
I also love the beautiful sonic images that come from my ESL rig, but the suspension of disbelief that happens listening to my horns just isn't there. I'm always conscious that music is being reproduced on my ESLs.
So I was thinking of suggesting that perhaps the answer to the question of which speakers to get will reveal itself when you figure out what kind of tone you want; what shape sound you want to live with (e.g. concentric vs horn ); and then, if you want a flat, precise, audiophile kind of sound or something more human.
You're in an enviable position. I admire your taste.