Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


nonoise - "as anyone can see" 😂 The day to give thanks is soon upon us. Best wishes to all 🥂

At the present times we are at the crossroads of history, any thinking must be oriented toward peace and peaceful solutions and serious studies...

Any answers coming from "left" or "right" perspective is UNABLE to show any usefulness...

Because the ancient old answers were born in a world where divisions between people and nations could be preserved like they were in the past...

This fact exist no more...

No country is an island no more...

For the first time in history we are all brothers or we will all die...

Nothing of that comes from right or left political parties...

Nothing of that comes from communism versus capitalism...

Change your tagging habit or prepare yourself to die idiot....


To add a "smile"😊😊 to my too serious post i will add a piece of my new discovery about acoustic : we dont know what sound is, nevermind all the scientific research of the last millenia...

It is a thrilling discovery for me....Not knowing what sound is...But is it surprizing? no because all cultures has developed his own relation to basic phenomena and our occidental civilization history mutate under our eyes right now...Then even our own understanding of what "sound" is will change...Like ourunderstanding about the "human living body"....

Like will change our notion of what is a "human body"... What is "sound" and our idea about it will change...

The most important thinker i stumble into this week is Karl Friston... If the word genius apply, it apply for him... Read and think ....it is more easy to understand his point anyway than to dogmatically speak about vaxx or unvaxx politics...but anyway prepare yourself to think, he is supposed to be very deep and difficult... Test your brain and come back to me and explain to me what is your understanding... It will be more useful than speaking propaganda....



"Fact: if you take the vaccine you have a chance not to die from covid 19. 

If you choose not to take the vaccine because of right wing politics, religious beliefs, poor logic, etc, and infect your entire family with covid, you rolled the dice and lost. Decisions. 

What I don't get is these people make a decision that effects everyone they come in contact with. I don't dare to go to the store without wearing a 3M N95 mask. And I understand the store's policy of requiring everyone to wear a mask or don't enter. 

Anti vaxxer's are a threat to society. Keep it real and speak the truth about it."


Yes, indeed. 

Whatever happened to acting for the greater good ?  ?  ? 



If you think the virus is real and transmissible ...


Do your own research for: has ANY virus EVER been isolated so that a vaccine can be developed


Next research who developed the PCR test and what does he have to say about it


Now search alternative search engines than Google, Yahoo, Bing for; vax injuries (including athletes), deaths or go to Bitchute and Rumble (then ask why none of the real 411 is available on them)


Finally go to telegram and type in the upper left search bar Official CHANNEL Quantum Truths JCKay, then scroll through and see how many people in countries are marching against their governments oppression and forced vaxes this very day


then ask yourself Why aren't these being reported 24/7 on MSM

