Listening to music I don’t particularly like

Do you find yourself listing to music you don't particularly like because it sounds so good on your system? If I'm honest with myself I am an old dude who grew up with classic rock and really enjoy it but a lot of it was not well recorded. So I find myself listening more and more to other genres of music that I normally wouldn't  just because they sound so good on my system. I don't know what this says about me, maybe I am more of an "equipmentphile" than a music lover? I keep listening to music ranging from classical to vocal jazz to country and I love the sound of it  but it doesn't get my toes tapping like a good old rock song from my youth. I was even listening to Chinese drums today. Is there hope for me? Will I ever ever enjoy this music as much as I enjoy the "sound"?



I think it is fine to be a "equipmentphile". Don't be ashamed of it. Most audiophiles want equipment that make their music shine. I don't have a single non-audiophile friend who cares for their equipment or how the music sounds.

The good news is that if your equipment is making you listen to music you might have liked otherwise, then  you have invested in a great system. Maybe it is time to NOT stereotype "other non classic rock" music as something that you "might not like". A few years ago I used to tell my friends - I don't like "synthesized" music. And man I was wrong. The worst thing you are doing here is by calling yourself "old dude". Don't discrimate music. Keep your mind open and you will surprise yourself. If you listen to Tidal, then it has the "My Daily Discovery". Not all the songs that you listen in ths playlist might appeal to you. But as you listen to more music, it will be tailored to your liking. All I say is - keep an open mind and don't be ashamed of being an "equipmentphile". If we were not that, then we all would have a $100 receivers, with $30 bluetooth adapters and lamp cords connected to some junk $50 speakers for listening to our music.

Actually "My Daily Discovery" on Tidal is what got me started down this road and I love it. 

I think there's a difference between music you don't listen to and music you dislike. If your system is encouraging you to listen to stuff you don't ordinarily check out it could be a good thing and open your musical horizons. If you're enjoying listening to these new things I wouldn't worry about it.

I only listen to music that I like or love. If it happens to be well recorded, (Chris Isaak, Tracy Chapman, Joni Mitchell etc.) it's a plus, but I can listen through an average not-so-good recording and enjoy it anyway.

I don't go out of my way to listen to genres I don't care for, but I must admit that when they do come on when I'm in Qobuz or something, they really DO sound a lot better to me!