Recommendations for speakers with Luxman 509x

Hey everyone - looking for some suggestions on speakers.  Just upgraded my amp and DAC to a Luxman 509x and Lumin T2. They’re driving Martin Logan motion 40s so upgrading speakers as well. Room is 14x18’ with the speakers facing the long way. It’s a living room, so am constrained by space and the wife. They will be less than 2’ from the wall and snuggled up next to a wood TV stand in the middle. Towers will be much easier to pull off than something very wide.  Wood floors but covered by a large rug, L couch, lots of windows, 8’ drywall ceiling and a large bookshelf in the back to give you an idea of acoustics. Listening position about 8-10ft from speakers.  Budget is $5k-$10k. Willing to go used. I mostly listen to rock, folk, country, hip hop and jazz.  Fairly new to the language of hifi, but prefer natural over clinical and a touch of warmth would be nice with the supposedly neutral components in the system. Thanks!

Thanks for everyone's comments. Reporting back after living with the Spendor D9.2, Luxman 509x and Lumin T2 combo. I'm very happy. The Spendors showed up last so I have a little perspective on the components. I don't have a ton of hifi experience, but think I have a decent ear and here's my take. 

The Luxman is smooth, powerful, detailed and a touch sweet. It's rarely past 11am on the volume dial.  It's also gorgeous and an incredibly built piece of gear. I mostly listen at low to mid volumes and the Loudness button is on almost all the time. When the volume goes up it comes off, but it's a great feature for day to day casual listening. 

the T2 creates a ton of space between the instruments. Very detailed. Compared to a fluance rt85 record player with ortofon blue needle, I compare a new pressing of the Fugees The Score with streaming Tidal. The T2 sounded better. More open, dynamic and detailed at the expense of being a bit dry. The vinyl was warmer but more of a wall of sound. 

the Spendor 9.2s are awesome. They're beautiful in eucalyptus. They sound very natural and true to the source. Some recordings are a touch warm, others a bit dry. The only fault is at high volume (rare in my house) there is some harshness in the upper mids/treble, but I think that's mostly my room. Lots of hard surfaces and windows, no treatments. Ive learned a lot through this process. On placement, they sound great just dropped wherever. Pulling them away from the wall and dialing in the listening position and speaker placement result on that magic of the speakers disappearing with an ultra wide and deep soundstage. The bass leaves nothing to be desired. Cranking hip hop ive got not desire to hookup my SVS sub. They're pretty forgiving on recordings too. Good recordings reveal incredible detail and space. Average recordings just don't have the same magic and detail, but still sound good.  Good jazz recordings blow my mind every night. 

Next step is working on the room acoustics - a tricky business for the WAF 

hope that's helpful for whatever it's worth!

The 509X goes great w/a wide range of speakers. I've heard the Luxman w/Aerials, Paradigm Personas, Harbeth, Spendor, Kef Blade 2's, Focal Sopras and Sonner. Lots of choices.

The Be driver of the TAD ME-1 was great with the Luxman 509x. They no longer sell this in the USA but used one show up.

Sounds like you have assembled a great system. All the components are top notch.

I like the Spendors and I personally don’t think at that price point you can get a better speaker, or for twice or thrice that