looking for a chair

I found a very comfortable chair for my listening room. It is the La-z-boy 354 rocker-recliner. It is roomy and very comfortable but it has a very high back. I don't know if the fabric will absorb or reflect the sound, but I am concerned that the soundstage will be destroyed. Do you think this would kill imaging or make the system sound more forward. I can't borrow it to try but I would be interested in your thoughts or your experiences with high backed chairs in your listening room. thanks

My current chair is from World Market and is super comfy. I went with this chair because I could not afford the Le Corbusier LC2 or LC3 chairs, and this chair has similar "functionality", as I call it. But in my mind, these type of chairs are the best for listening and relaxing, since they are low back and I am not a tall dude.

To those who are bothered by the high back chairs, simply drape a towel over the back of chair to eliminate reflections.  This will also keep your hair gel from staining it :-)

I use a Stressless (Ekornes) chair for my listening. Very comfortable chair that reclines

Its not logical that high back chair won't affect sound coming into ear cavity. Its either going to absorb or reflect, neither will sound natural, headphone effect to some extent. I have reflective room treatments behind listening position on side walls, makes my dedicated room sound larger than already is, very nice, why would I want to destroy that. Keep in mind, all room furnishings are in actuality,  room treatments, one should try to maintain some control over their placement and reflective and absorptive properties.

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