Great experience with audio society and local tech

I'm in the process of having an amp upgraded with new caps, etc. But perhaps the best thing that's come out of this so far is getting to know my local tech a bit. I spent a wonderful two hours with him yesterday; parts and amps everywhere, tubes of many varieties, rebuilt and one of a kind gear, and stories of personal, audio-related interactions with great designers — Kara of deHavilland, Fritz of Fritz speakers, Earl Geddes, Dan Modwright, Duke LeJeune, and many more. We talked amps, subwoofers, caps, speakers, subs, room acoustics, and more. 

I'd not have known about this great guy if I had not joined my local audio society. Personal contact and conversation has provided me with a path beyond conversations about brand names (unavoidably) idiosyncratic listenening reportage. Many of you know this already, so I'm sharing this for newer folks. Work the grapevine, find the grapes.


@oldhvymec this is exactly what I've been curious about. Im not sure if I can be dedicated enough to make a meet once a week and a few dealers I've done with in the Bay Area we're completely off-putting, so I could imagine how snoody groups could be. I might have to do some further research. 



Are you having the power amps upgraded or the preamp?


From your last OP on the QS's I learned of the TDK volume pots, and if you end up installing one I'm interested in your take (VS the ALPS that I assume is stock).


Also - perhaps a Star-Lord mix tape would be fun for the next time the group gets together as I understand that he hails from Colorado?





Read in another thread that you had the TDK volume pot installed in your QS preamp.


Once things settle in please add your opinion of such.


Mainly curious if it sounds better @ lower volume levels (meaning that the soundstage does not get significantly smaller @ reasonably lower levels).


This odd feat is what I heard with the more complex volume pot(s) I mentioned earlier, and even to some extent with my cheap Bottlehead resistor loaded 12 step pot.


The TDK is considerably more affordable than the 50-100 "stepped" pots I considered and it also looks to be easier to install space wise.



@dekay I need to do more listening, but here was the change related to the ALPS pot to the TDK pot, via the tech -- related to balance: "the new volume control tracks better, before there was about 0.4dB of channel imbalance, now it's < 0.2 at most spots."