@rauliruegas , what would you suggest?
On December 3rd I am traveling to New York City and on the way we are stopping at Soundsmith to audition the strain gauge cartridge. If I decide to go with that it comes with a dedicated phono stage. For a moving coil phonostage I was looking at the Channel D Lino C, the transimpedance unit. I would probably try a My Sonic Lab cartridge to go with it.
@lewm , Actually, right now I am using 48 dB/oct slopes with a cut off of 100 Hz. Yes, smaller drivers are capable of higher freuquencies. The "speed" of a woofer is indicted by it's frequency response as I said before. Otherwise a subwoofer's sound is not dictated by speed as long as you stay away from it's limits. 12" woofers generally are good to 1000 Hz and we go nowhere near that. With the right crossover and time correction you can match subwoofers to any loudspeaker.
I can get you over your digital phobia in a heart beat. Who knows. Maybe next time you wander towards Vermont :-)