Tube Preamps that work well with SS amps?

I'm looking for a tube preamp after years of strictly SS. My amps will remain SS. Which tube preamp(s) in your experience mated well with a SS amp? I'm trying to avoid the odd phenomenon where tube preamp + SS amp = slow, soggy sound in spite of benign impedance characteristics


What's wrong with your other thread asking basically the same thing a day ago?

What’s wrong with your other thread asking basically the same thing a day ago?




Use the force, Luke.

and this comes from a member that starts new threads all the time 😀




you have started these posts and have mentioned that you use class A and A/B amps but not one time have you said what amps they are?   don’t you think it would be helpful to mention what amps you use as i am sure a member(s) could them chime in with tube preamps that have used that were good or bad with the amps you have.     


I use an MSB S-200 SS power amp and a Herron Audio VTSP-360 tube preamp. They go very nicely together because both are very neutral and uncolored. The tube preamp neither looks nor sounds like a piece of tube gear, and the power amp will amplify whatever is sent to it without coloring it, drying it, moistening it, or anything else. The speakers or headphones supply whatever coloration I might want.