Nobsound springs - load range

I want to try out the Nobsound springs as damping footers (mainly under my mono blocks and my streamer). I ordered a first set of them and now I wonder about the amount of springs to put in for different weights of equipment.I remember one post that said it works best when 50% compressed (was it @millercarbon?).

I measured the compression of the springs, it takes ~2.5 kg per spring to compress it to 50%. Based on 50% compression target, this yields the following sweet spot configurations (only stable ones, total equipment weight):
- 3 units, 3 springs each: 22.5 kg
- 4 units, 3 springs each (or 3 units, 4 springs each): 30 kg - 4 units, 4 springs each: 40 kg
- 3 units, 6 springs each: 45 kg
- 3 units, 7 springs each: 52.5 kg
- 4 units, 6 springs each: 60 kg
- 4 units, 7 springs each: 70 kgLoad can be considerably higher than expected (somewhere I read about 36kg, which is presumably for 4 units).

Any comments?What about ~10 kg streamer, seems to be too light to compress the springs enough? Does anyone have experience with Nobsound springs under light equipment like this?
Based on your experiences: Would you even dare to put an 80kg floor standing speaker on Nobsound springs?

Have you tried to stick with 3 units and put some weight on your DAC to reach the desired compression?


No I haven't. Will need to find something suitable to be added as weight. That will come later. 

@noromance    “I have a rock in my second system phono amp. A rock! From the yard.”

👍 Love it. Now that is a cost effective tweak. 

I suppose now we need to discuss if a piece of wood might not be better (think Maple Shade)… or what kind of rock. I am thinking Eclogite might be best… or worst… it is heavy and dense. 

Sorry, if I didn’t bring it up someone else would. 



Nice. I have an aftermarket Furutech IEC hard wired with pure silver to the power supply and a silver jumper bypassing the 110/220 switch. The LPM has a good size toroid. I have 2 springs centered under it, a single spring directly under the CD tray and 2 springs near the back output side

All the calculations are a waste of time.

@hr9001 's comments below were the things I was attempting to get to as a starting point. He has made the point well. And ears get to be the ultimate 'tuners'.  Thanks.-----------------


I always get cautious when hearing such dogmatic statements. I would rather consider starting in the dark and doing erratic trial and error on all possible permutations of changes to different variables of a system a waste of time.

I prefer to have at least a basic understanding (or sometimes a hint or theory, e.g. 50% compression for the springs) of the variables and dependencies of a system and how they probably work. It is always good to derive a starting point and some hints/directions for experiments. This saves time in my opinion. And yes, the fine tuning and verification needs to be done by ear.