FM Tuners

I would like to add a tuner to my system.

I am only beginning to research this, so anyone with experience that could help narrow my focus would be appreciated. I'm not looking for vintage receivers with built-in amps. I'd like a tuner to run into a Van Alstine SET 120, which is a control amp with a passive pre-amp section.

A tuner with a built-in pre-amp is not necessary, but I'm wondering if that might just be the ticket.

Thank you for sharing your experience!


Sold off all my former McIntosh / Sansui tuners unable to keep them all.  Kept one. 

Currently listening to my Magnum Dynalab MD-102 FM tuner.  Enjoying it for the past 10yrs.  Sometimes I get tired of streaming and just wanna hear some FM. 

@imaninatural there is one I can think of that sounds good for the $, and its not too vintage old, could be a nice buy to match with the AVA SET 120.  Look this one up, Marantz ST6000.  This unit kinda holds its own against some vintage tuners, people sell them cheap sometimes

Best of Luck.  FM is still fun for some of diehards :) 




A very good tuner is the Cambridge Audio T500. It is the same as Creek t43....excellent reception and sound. Although I’m using an attic Arial for mine, so your results may can find the t500 on ebay for about $120....Alternatively you can buy mine, as I have 2...message me if interested....also have a Marantz st6000. 

I use a Pioneer F-90 into a passive volume control to a EL84 SE amp. The sound is nice. I remember that when I got it I had seen somewhere that it was voted the 22 best tuner. From where I am some FM stations sound very good, even better than the Internet/raspberry pie/hifi-berry combo I also use for de-materialized music.