APL Esoteric X-01

Anyone had their Esoteric X-01 redesigned by Alex at APL. Design 1 or design 2.5?
If so what are your impressions?
Thanks, Greg
Tbooe, I just canceled my XA-160 Audiogon add. Put up my Pass X-350, my Rel Storm 3 subs,my Marantz SA-8001 CD/SACD player and my audio Physic Virgo 2s speakers. The two Pass Labs amps do not match up for bi-amping. The X-350 has a 30 db gain, the XA-160 a 20 db gain. I have been told by "reliable" sources, the XA will handle the Andra IIs... no problamo. I'm still open to a speaker change ...I've always liked the Audio Physic Avanti 3s. I can get them new for $4000.00 less than the Eggleston Andra 2s. I still need cash... anyone what to donate to Greg's addiction?
My problem is, as Tvad and Boa2 know is, I have it Bad...
And my problem is I can't afford your problem. :-)
Tbooe, Just saw your 802ds up for sale. We are brothers in dementia!!!! What did you not like about those wonderfull B&Ws.
Greg, LOL!!! My wife would never let me hang out with you!!

The 802D are GREAT speakers. I am looking for something that sounds a bit more dynamic, nimble, and quick. The 802d are a bit slow for my taste. The bass is also a bit loose and boomy. I (like you) am on the look out for speakers that mate well with the XA160s. Any suggestions...:)
From what I've heard from the guys at Pass, the 600.5 will speed up those 802Ds, higher gain, more control, not as musical. The 800d and the 802s love big amps.
I just put 4 items on sale to start my angling on a pair of Eggleston Works Andra IIs.
I also like the Audio Physic Avanti 3. The Wilson W/P 7, 8s or Maxxs are great but have no W.A.F. In fact... I do not care for the Wilson Look. It is hard to love a speaker you don't like to look at!