From what I've heard from the guys at Pass, the 600.5 will speed up those 802Ds, higher gain, more control, not as musical. The 800d and the 802s love big amps.
I just put 4 items on sale to start my angling on a pair of Eggleston Works Andra IIs.
I also like the Audio Physic Avanti 3. The Wilson W/P 7, 8s or Maxxs are great but have no W.A.F. In fact... I do not care for the Wilson Look. It is hard to love a speaker you don't like to look at!
From what I've heard from the guys at Pass, the 600.5 will speed up those 802Ds, higher gain, more control, not as musical. The 800d and the 802s love big amps.
I just put 4 items on sale to start my angling on a pair of Eggleston Works Andra IIs.
I also like the Audio Physic Avanti 3. The Wilson W/P 7, 8s or Maxxs are great but have no W.A.F. In fact... I do not care for the Wilson Look. It is hard to love a speaker you don't like to look at!