Choosing the right equipment

Hi Everyone, thank you for coming to my discussion. I am looking for help to create a system around a pair of Dunlavy 5. My father had to sell all his equipment to help out with my college so my sister and I are looking to create an inexpensive system just so he has something to use while we get back on our feet. I know he liked using records so I assume he needs a turn table. Any help would be appreciated as you can probably tell my knowledge is sub par. Thank you again


Yes, would be good to know what he had before.

Definitely talk to your dad first.

I recommend you listen to the Hifi podcast with Darren and Duncan. They discuss Dunlavy extensively.

As buffer so eloquently stated, ask your dad for his thoughts. He might find solid state gear fatiguing if he had tubes, or who knows, maybe he is looking for SS for simplicity. Hard to know.

I'm not one to typically recommend Chinese gear but at your price point, if the speakers are efficient enough, a Chinese tube amp could fit the bill, if it has a phono stage. Best of luck!

It takes a special  Dad to sell a hobby for his children and it takes some special kids, to want to repay him!

If you cruise the Thrift stores, anything is possible. Over the years I’ve found turntables, integrated amps and speakers.

All the best 


Dear OP - You have a wonderful Dad!  And, you are an amazing son for bringing music back into your Dad’s life. 

You certainly can get a system for under $1,000. 

Right now Music Direct has a Marantz PM5005 integrated amp with a mm phono stage for $375, down from $500. Marantz is a very fine brand that your Dad should enjoy. 

Also at Music Direct is a Rega Planar 1 turntable with mm cartridge for $525. 

These 2 pieces of equipment and your Dad’s current speakers should get him back on the road!


Good luck to you and your Dad.