oldhvymec - overall great advice! I don't think curtains would work, but maybe some heavier weight roller blinds or something. Then you also gave me a good idea. Fill the voids in the back of those open framed pieces of art with Rockwool!
erik_squires - thanks Erik, I didn't read any great things about the Anthem overall, just the fact that it does have room EQ, Anyways, you talked me into purchasing the same amp that you have. It's on lay-a-way, so I could change it, I guess?
djones51- "Dutch and Dutch 8c or Kii3" Those are the other 2 models I was exactly thinking of besides the Genelec's, but they aren't pretty either, especially for the price! Same price I would be at with separate, maybe even less. And, speaking on unattractive, did you audition the Devialets when you were on the hunt for actives?