Since getting 005 just over a year ago, I've made number of changes in system, not because 005 injection of some unwanted coloration, rather solely increasing resolving capabilities of entire system. And this to system that's long been pretty damn revealing.
With recent boutique tube insertion, burn in nearing completion, and subsequent resolution increases, I'm at point where I can make some conclusions in regard to 005.
There are components that commit sins of omission, others sins of commission. Sins of omission easy to achieve, less than maximal resolution may hide unheard sins of commission. On the other hand, sins of commission often committed, difficult thing here is determining which component causing it.
Of course one issue with determining sins of omission is, how do we know we're suffering this if we have never heard the unheard. So, this is inherent problem with my nearly final conclusions in regard to 005. I can only say I've heard many other systems in nearing thirty years building systems/audiophile. I've heard best of best at shows, admittedly not best conditions, also many nice systems at other's homes.
Point of above, I've heard sins of commission and omission over long term. So, conclusion I'm coming to in regard to 005. This is one of those rare components that suffers no known sin of omission, this thing uncovers much previously unheard information, I presume 005 at or near SOTA here. And what about sins of commission, this I had been less sure of up to now. While resolving capabilities never in doubt, I had bit of doubt in regard to timbre specifically. I detected a bit of what I'd call whitewashing, lack of color with 005, sense of performers in room, just lacking flesh and blood presence. With recent boutique tubes this lack of color nearly totally gone, flesh and blood performers in room, reach out and touch palpability, And so, try as I might, have not been able to find sins of omission or commission with 005, quite an achievement in my book.
It will be up to others to provide more context with 005, therefore, direct comparisons with other SOTA dacs. We already have that with favorable comparisons to Holo May and Mola Mola Tambaqui. While only anecdotal, it is what it is. Until more come along we only have this. As for me, I have no intention to provide that context as my pleasure with 005 instigates no motivation for this. At this point, all my near term efforts will be on analog side, my analog far behind digital.
In conclusion, while my experience totally positive with 005, may not be dac for everyone, in wrong system I could see how one could perceive it as analytical, 005 doesn't hide the warts. I can see it overwhelming one's senses with sheer resolving powers, but perception as analytical in long run. I can only say, one has problems elsewhere if this perception of 005 held, 005 capable of high resolution with natural, true to life texture and color.