The Audiophile Community Has a Problem: Part Deux The Saga Continues?

My original post was just to provoke some thought and to share an interesting article.

Some may have took it personal, your right to do so.

Others had an opinion and that was the idea, here is part 2 .

No comments about Sin as we are all guilty of being a part of the male anatomy from time to time (Pot meet kettle).

Hope this gets us all thinking and conversation continues.

Read the articles.

We need to be polite. Yes, audio breeds strong opinions, but that doesn’t give us the excuse to be rude or snide. One can disagree without argument and even suggest reasons why they disagree without becoming unpleasant.

Do you argue like this with co-workers when you disagree with something at work?

I can suggest a good therapist if that’s the case.



OMG, 'pick the pic'?

(Next?  All images Don't show the requested image?
Now, THAT will get 'em into a saddle of sorts....)

Off to pop some corn, some libation....some nitrous...

Yes there is a problem. Not sure there is a solution other than to ignore flame monsters. Now fantasy claim monsters are another story.


Neither Tony nor Tiger.



Audiogon forums are just fine. At least 98% of it that is. Much better than some other audio forums. Yes, once in a while you will have sick dudes like the "Cindy" one that keeps getting banned and coming back with dozen usernames for some reason, but that is just and exception. Just a single mentally deranged / challenged dude. Heck, I don't mind Dow Jones and Jason Bourne being here at all. They are real people and having some diversity around is good for the discourse. They are not malicious. 

Being crass, crude and rude is equated by many these days as "telling it like it is" and admired.

Those who are old enough will remember the 90's when Fox's format began having hosts talking and even shouting over one another and their guests. TV viewers had seldom seen this kind of behavior on news and talk shows before and it gained viewership. Howard Stern, Rush Limbaugh spawned copy cats. At the time I was quite civically active and I recall beginning to see this kind of behavior filter into town meetings where previously civility was expected and decorum maintained by almost everyone.

Our previous president was criticized for being crass and crude. His admirers loved and said that is how they knew he was "real" and they could trust him to tell it like it is.

So here we are.

But I'm glad to see the efforts to restore civility. It is not necessary to denigrate someone just because you disagree.

I'm on a lot of special interest forums but the only forum I have ever quit posting on is the AVS forum. That was after the site administrator apologized to me on behalf of the entire company. Those guys were ruthless with subjective audio enthusiasts. Audiogon has a few posters that cross the line from time to time but they mostly add a little spice to the conversation. You have to have a thick skin if you want to hang out on the internet.