We had a DAC in common in the past, which we both liked. The 005 is a different animal. Incredible sound, it just keeps sounding better with more hours. I must be around 200 now. Give it a much burn-in as possible in your 30-day trial. I noticed it was a great DAC at under 100 hours but it does sound even better now, especially the bass.
I bet the 005 is sound sublime now that you must have put more hours on it. I presume the common DAC that you're referring to is the Audio Mirror Tubadour III, right? Well, my reference DAC as of now, believe it or not, is the Luxman DA-06. This DAC has proved to be quite a bit better than the AMT and a few other sub-2K dacs that I have tried in the last 18 months. I can't believe this is an 8 year-old design!
However, your impressions of the 005 are super helpful. I know you have tried a bunch of DACs in the past, so the high praise from you is duly noted. I am going to order the 005 next month. If it proves to be better than the Luxman, I will keep it. Otherwise, I will avail the 30 day return policy.
The other contenders on my list include Denafrips Terminator 2 and Holo Audio May. I've always had an affinity for the R2R sound. I wish there was a way to audition them without having to buy them first, but that's simply not possible nowadays.