Why Are People So Concerned About How Others Spend Their Money?

It's really tiring. Audiophools, Snake Oil, why buy this/that. I don't give a rip what others do, although I like to read about it but none of my business. I'm just not geared that way. People want to buy a Lambo, 10,000 buck cables, 100,000 buck loudspeakers, it's no skin off my nose yet some people are obsessed with what others do. I don't get it. 


Well, when you really think about it what we spend on our audio pleasures (a fuse cost how much??) can be considered ridiculous. How about a coin collector? (a penny cost what?) and so on.

But, and it’s a big butt, if it makes our lives more enjoyable and can afford it, go for it. We are only on this world for a short time, enjoy it while you can. To heck what others may think.


I am a robot.

Do want you want to do.

Why care what others think.

I am a Tube Bot.

I suspect ego is the dominant driver. Most folks think they have the only correct take on reality and since they decided this is right for them it has to be right for everyone else… and as I have said before, anyone earning more money than them, or just willing spend it are ignorant, stupid, or shallow. It’s all about them being the center of the universe.

Keeping ego out of things is hard. It creeps in in small, medium, or large doses depending on the individual. 

Keeping ego out of things is hard.

I have a very healthy ego, but years of competition have taught me to respect my competitors and enjoy the process of competition.