Now that it is broken in somewhat, you're getting its full flavor. I'm glad that you are enjoying the DAC. As for the "DAC topology" it's all laid out in the pictures and descriptions on the Musetec home page. No mysteries here. That picture is a virtual map of the DAC (though the analog part, 8 FETs and associated stuff, is mostly hidden). It's accomplished without any Supercalafragalistic FPGA chip, just a pair of chips that went through 3 generations and decades of development, an honest power supply and discrete analog stage, all with superior parts. I don't care how long you have it; every so often there will be a recording that will surprise and astonish.
I spent most of today listening to my analog rig. I've had enough of the: some DACs sound like analog. Truth is a really good analog rig does NOT sound like analog. It sounds, as does a good digital rig, like the instruments it's supposed to sound like. When a DAC is called "analog sounding" it is, in reality, a coloration. People are free to like it, or not.
Sorry you can't get the I2S pin-out configuration for the Pro-ject. I think it's outrageous that they don't give it to you, unless it is something other than a true I2S out..
I remember sending my money away (and without a return option). Could it be as good as I was told? Days of trepidation. Well, it seems to have worked out for us. I'm happy it seems to please. As for the 96K problem. First question, is the DAC OK? When you feed it files from your Mac and Audirvana is it correctly identifying the sampling rate? If it is, and I hope so, then there is the issue of your CD player. It is an old one. Is it possible that it is signaling a spurious rate? If everything else is OK you might have to live with it. Perhaps better to get on with your CD ripping.
Our wandering philosopher. You haven't told us anything about your own DAC experience except you've heard the Sonnet, a DAC I never before heard of. I don't know about the Sonnet, but one contributor here has told us that the Musetec is outperforming the Holo Spring, and a review here has compared the Musetec favorably to the Spring's big brother, the May. And a respected audio engineer has told us it outperforms a Mola-Mola. Truth is that the Musetec seems to play on the court with the bigger boys. As for not on the "organic end." I'm not certain what you mean by that, but if you mean that instruments and voices are large, and round and have body to them, the the Musetec is right there. Why don't you write of your DAC experience rather than what you have read, for we've all read the same stuff.