The Audiophile Community Has a Problem: Part Deux The Saga Continues?

My original post was just to provoke some thought and to share an interesting article.

Some may have took it personal, your right to do so.

Others had an opinion and that was the idea, here is part 2 .

No comments about Sin as we are all guilty of being a part of the male anatomy from time to time (Pot meet kettle).

Hope this gets us all thinking and conversation continues.

Read the articles.

We need to be polite. Yes, audio breeds strong opinions, but that doesn’t give us the excuse to be rude or snide. One can disagree without argument and even suggest reasons why they disagree without becoming unpleasant.

Do you argue like this with co-workers when you disagree with something at work?

I can suggest a good therapist if that’s the case.



Recently, we needed our electrician. He, like many in the trades and in this conservative-leaning County, votes red while I'm at the other end of the political spectrum. As usual, we discussed various issues and as usual, we were able to keep things on a friendly and mutually respectful level. I genuinely like the guy but despite the fact that we are largely in agreement in terms of identifying problems, we do not see eye to eye regarding solutions. So why bother to continue the dialog?  Because., despite our differences, our interactions generate good will and connection AND because this, rather than "being right" or "winning the argument" is the higher priority for both of us.



Read the article and thought it was "spot on".

Your county's political situation aside, I love living next to you guys (North) and visit for vacation, at least, one week every year. Please do not allow a few bad apples (some on each side) destroy the Free Society that you live in.

BTW, does anyone else here read ASR for the unique mix of information and irony/comedy? Talk about "opionated bullies..."

The article got my attention, after having tuned out or "tuned down" from most audio blog sites. Most commentary become unreadable. ASR has it's place and so does Darko or the Audiogon starter discussion, each serving a different purpose. 

Critical reading has become rare, just like critical thinking. People fall into traps feeling compelled to shout out LOUD "I know better than you" and "your comments are outrageous and blablabla <fill in the blanks>" 

Often missing in the commentary debates, which are (in principle) a healthy method of response:

1) critical thinking and the ability to put one's emotions aside in favor of rational expression. 

2) Humor

3) Civility

Possible solution is an individual choice to look yourself in the mirror before posting. What do you see there?