Unplugging preamp, amp and cable while music is playing

I’m wondering what typically happens if you turn off the 1) preamp, 2) the amp, or 3) speaker cable while music is playing, say you accidentally stripped on the power cable of your preamp, amp or the speaker cable and they broke. Does any of these condition will cause any damage to any component for modern equipments? 


Usually the worst that will happen is you hear a disturbingly loud awful thump or pop or other scary sound. But usually no harm but to your pride. The big exception being tube amps, where if you were to disconnect a speaker cable while playing and not notice and shut the thing down right away has the potential to literally smoke your amp. 

"say you accidentally stripped on the power cable"

In this case I would say good one, tubebuffer.

Not a good idea to mess with cables if the power amp is powered up. You can easily ground the input and put a high volume BLAAAT through your speakers.  

MC mentions tube buffer, yet I don’t see anything from that person in this thread.  What am I missing?

MC trying to be funny as TB posts can be of a sexual nature. 

I Robot.