
I`d like an opinion from my right on target forum members😊  I want a better T/T my present T/T is the Ariston RD40 with a Rega 300 arm. the cart is a very in expensive Ortofon mm cart.  My budget is 3k. I`m looking at a used Sota Nova or a new Sota Sapphire-V welcoming suggestions please." HAPPY HOLIDAYS"


SOTA makes a good turntable. You will also get a significant performance improvement if you shed the Rega tonearm, although you may want to move it to the SOTA, and then upgrade the tonearm later

Go for the new Sapphire and skip the Eclipse package. Put the money into a better arm. You are a little limited with arms. All the Regas and Origin Live arms fit. The Kuzma 4 Point 9 fits and the Schroder CB fits. Some people say they have mounted Reed arms but I question that due to the weight of the VTA Tower. The Schroder CB was made for Sota turntables. I have one on a Cosmos. 

Mijo, I am surprised you advise skipping the Eclipse upgrade. Is that because of the added cost? IMO, the Eclipse mod is so key to the best performance of a SOTA TT that I’d advise the OP to get it done and wait on the new tonearm purchase until finances permit. Also , while all the tonearms you name are excellent choices, do any fall within the budgetary limits?