CD Player Recommendations 5-8k range please help

Okay guys, looking for recommendations for CD players or trans/dac in the 5-8k range, new or used. My system: 380s Levinson preamp, 336 Levinson amp, B&W Diamond 801 speakers, Audioquest cables. I own and have been using the Levinson 390s cd player (very good all around, maybe lacking in detail?), and recently tried Ayre CX-7e (impressed, good detail and bottom end, but soundstage not as good?). Why am I upgrading? Made the mistake of buying a VPI Scoutmaster, Shelter 501 mk2 cart, and Sutherland PHD phono preamp. Mistake? Not really, the sound with good vinyl kills the cd players I have, but I do not have time for all that is required with analog. I sold the analog system, and am searching for that great sound from a cd player. Help! Any suggestions for me? Thank you in advance!
There is a Naim CDS3 for sale here on Audiogon right. It is in your price range.
I am not a big fan of digital but my McCormack UDP-1 Deluxe makes good music and plays all silver discs including SACD and DVD.

Best of all, it retails for 4K and most dealers will offer a discount, making this choice under your budget. Frankly I've had several players that cost 10K and more that did not equal the McCormack.
The new Wadia 581 modded by Great Northern Sound.
I have a Moded 850 with the Statement upgrade by Steve.
Heres a good thread on the New Wadia 581.
I am not going to say it is the very best digital available, (although it is the best I have heard, IMHO), but the Audio Aero Capitole II sounds very much like vinyl, and if your tastes run in that direction, (and it sounds like it does), you might want to give it a listen. Personally, I like my sonics to very much sound like analog, so I love it. (Well, really I covet it, since I can't afford it!) Used, they go for around $4-5K, depending on options.

(And I agree with you that great analog sounds better than great digital, and while the Capitole II is great digital, still it does not beat great analog. My friend has the Capitole II, and a VPI HR-X TT, and the VPI sounds better, but at least the Capitole II is in the ballpark.)

My two cents worth.
Have you tried experimenting with power cords and interconnects on your current CD player? They can make a significant difference. You can experiment by contacting The Cable Company and rent their recommendations for a 10-day trial and you might just find the sound you are looking for.

I did this for my CD player and preamp-to-amp interconnects and ended up with JPS Labs cords/cables that made such an improvement that it shamed my turntable. I'm now in the market for cables for my TT to reinstate it's superiority over my CDP.

It's a thought.