Struggling to spend 13k with three dealers

Is anyone else running into this? I've been trying to buy a used pair of Wilson from a couple of dealers in the NY area and from one in the Chicago area- each has a pair I've been interested in yet all are super slow to respond to emails, quote a final number, give a clear number on a trade I have etc. Each have their own wrinkle, high shipping charges, high pick up charges, avoiding doing a set up etc. Super frustrating - I've literally bought a car faster than trying to buy a pair of used speakers. I've thrown in the towel after a month of endless emails and conversations. Weird. I used to run a retail audio chain. We chased every deal, quickly determined if we could do it and made it work- or nicely declined the deal. Is business so good that there's no interest in selling 13k speakers that they're holding in inventory? 


Sometimes when things get too complicated, or become overly time consuming to figure out with "endless conversations", attention goes elsewhere.  

Looks like you’re dealing with email, or maybe I over read you have called them and had an actual phone conversation. If you have not spoken to them over the phone then I would suggest starting there as maybe they are reading too much into your email as another one of the many tire kickers they get. I think you mentioned a trade you have which maybe they’re not interested in and again maybe reading you have to make the trade to complete the purchase. I own a business and get my share of emails that I pass over too as I don’t have the time to answer everyone or I’d get nothing else done, but when my phone rings, I answer it. As far as getting a quote on the price of their used Wilson’s, aren’t they noted either on their website or here? Are you throwing a lowball number at them by chance which they don’t feel the need to respond. Have an idea who you are referring to in Chicago and I question they’re just being lazy or don’t want the business.

Why would any dealer have a “pick up charge”? If anything, there should be a discount for you showing up with a couple of buddies and a truck.I would avoid that one completely. 
