How to get the impact of a live concert?

Yes, I know, big speakers, lots of power. : ) But I really am looking to "feel" the dynamics of the music, like you would at a concert. I'm not only talking about bass, although that is certainly a part of it. My wife and I were at Dave Matthews Band concert last night and it always amazes me, how impactful music is when it's live. Obviously, I understand they have a LOT of power driving a LOT of speakers, but they were filling the whole outdoors (outside venue). I'm only trying to fill my listening room. Would a good sub help? Different speakers?

I currently have Gallo Reference 3.1's and Klipchs Forte II's (Crites mods) driven by a Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista M3.
Pbnaudio, yes you make them, and they do look impressive; but "Live Sound"? No offense, but I doubt it. I don't want to derail what could be a very interesting discussion by bringing up the issue of the appropriateness of using a thread like this to tout one's wares, but I would have been a lot less sensitive to and critical of your unabashed sales pitch if you had offered some kind of substantive and relevant commentary as well. How does your design differ from so many like it, that also strive for "Live Sound"? What exactly can Ecruz expect to hear from your speaker that will bring him closer to the impact of "live"?
I noodle along on an electric guitar or bass using a tube amp with my PA driven drum tracks for hours you could merely come to my house. Also, modern "constant directivity" PA horns in high quality systems are often pretty clear...nothing like the old stuff, and the "phased array" type wide and short stacked boxes have very short throw horns designed for wide dispersion, high sensitivity, and acoustic coupling with each a gigantic hifi.
"Mapman, what venus are you speaking of in Maryland?"

Hmm, well, its very small and only a few tables in the sweet spot, so I am going to be a bit selfish and not disclose openly here.

I would send you an email if that were still possible incognito in A'gon?

Maybe I can give a clue or two. It hosts well known national acts almost nightly year round and is ~34 miles from Washington DC according to google maps in Maryland and not in Baltimore although there is an affiliated venue there.

ALso FWIW, their web site claims a current #1 nightclub ranking in the world. Definitely one of the best I have attended.

Another I have been to only once but delivered an absolute top notch sounding event when I did several years back was Snug Harbor Jazz Club near the French Quarter in New Orleans.
I have heard fewer systems that at moderate volumes get a lot closer to the feeling created (for example) by a live kick drum and snare, and which as a result allow the bass playing on the music to be much more realistically in synch (groove) with the drummer, and not just a stodgy mess. That's what creates impact and excitement in playback.

That's exactly what I'm talking about! It's not the volume, it's the "snap, pop, impact", whatever you want to call it. I'm not saying I want concert level volume. I just want that feeling that live music gives or I should say, I want to get closer to that feeling. And I'm asking how I can get closer?