Anybody use a single ended component with one that is balanced?

I currently have a single ended pass xa25 amp which is excellent but am looking to upgrade to an arc balanced pre. I was told arc works best balanced but I will have to use the rcas.

Anybody been in a situation like this? Will I really be compromising the sound of the arc using it in single ended mode? I know there are people who prefer single ended.



To the OP, I doubt you will compromise the sound using the single ended outputs (and it's not like you have much choice).


I use an EAR 868 preamp with my Pass XA25. The EAR preamp has balanced and single ended outputs and it sounds great using the single ended outputs.


Some amps and sources are designed specifically to sound better with balanced connections - eg Ayre and BAT come to mind - but it really depends on the specific amps and implementation. It also depends on whether your sources are balanced or single ended. My Nagra DAC and phono stage are single ended, so it doesn't make much sense to have the only balanced connection between preamp and power amp.


The XA25 is the best power amp I have owned, and should sound great with an ARC preamp. Use the single ended outputs and don't worry about it. Your ears will tell you whether it is sounding good, and I strongly suspect that they will tell you it sounds great.


+1 Ross B.

I'm now running an all Ayre, fully balanced system, and yet completely agree with Ross B.

Try balanced xlr is better for for noise is cancelled on 3 rd leg to ground 

it’s better especially low level detail . My Coda is Differentially balanced 

as well as dac very clean and a noticeable difference vs rca 

if one piece is single ended you will not hear the difference ,like when Everythung is true balanced .i have compared this many times.

having owned a Audio store I have done many comparisons 

I'm using a Zesto Leto preamp with a mix of RCA and XLR sources .   They all sound great ,  I'm driving a pair of Quicksilver Mid Monos and my sub controller  via its RCA outputs .  The difference in volume is often perceived as sounding better but I think anyone would be hard pressed to tell the difference .  The best thing about this pre is that any type of input will be output simultaneously from the dual RCA and XLR stereo outputs.... it can drive 4 amps, or a mix of amps and subs.   Its killer.

In summary. Don’t worry about it. Go for the best components you can, and if you end up with a system in which all components support balances, then , if you have the money you can swap interconnects to balanced and see if you can hear a difference… maybe, maybe not,