Thanks, all. I wish the industry had a labeling standard like we get on nutritional content, but we know that's not happening!
Yes, @bdp24 I know about:
Some reissue record companies are well known to use a purely analog signal path (MoFi, Analogue Productions, Speakers Corner, Intervention, etc.), so are a safe buy.
In today's example, I'm pondering the purchase at LRS, knowing I'd love a good compilation of this genre, where my knowledge and collection are minimal. Knowing the era, and Stax's reputation, it seems like all analogue would be naturally expected. The language struck me as shady, and I concluded it was digitally mastered. But, considering the lack of a good alternative, I bought it anyone.
@oldhvymec the music is so good on most tracks that I'm not analytically focusing on SQ when listening. It's a quiet enough pressing to not be a distraction. My gut tells me the same on redbook or high-rez would probably be equally satisfying. Not bad for a $29 double LP, but a missed opportunity in a way...cheers,