Recommendations Wanted

Hello All,

Would like everyone’s opinion on speaker replacement as I feel it is the weak link in my system. Currently I am running a McIntosh 240 amplifier, Fisher CX-2 preamplifier, and a Linn Sondek turntable. Speakers are B&W 703 S1 and 90 db efficient from about 2009.

Sometimes the system will create that magic and disappear in the room, but mostly not. I listen at  7 feet away in a 16x22x10 room. My choice of music is jazz lp’s and some lighter rock lp’s. I occasionally like to listen at higher volumes so somewhat efficient speakers may be best. This especially since I only have 40wpc of tube power. The budget is 5k new or used.




Triangle Esprit Australe EZ if you can find a pair. They love tubes and are masters of 3D sound. 

You don’t mention room treatment, that can play a roll. To the above, some music is just not recorded or reproduced in great quality. Look into room treatments, find a song or two that gives you what you desire, move your speakers around a bit. See how that changes the stage. Sometimes micro movements can make all the difference. 

IME, and I’ve compared them head to head, Joseph Audio speakers do everything better than B&Ws, and they’re among the best in the business at pulling off the disappearing act.  Anything JA will get you there.  Best of luck. 

before you buy new, do yourself a big favor and buy a sound pressure level meter. I did, it’s my latest ’you ought to do this’ kick.

Pro friends used theirs in my space twice years ago, then took them away. I used my ears since then. Changed back to former speakers since then.

I FINALLY bought my own! Wish I had done it years ago. gives you real answers about your speaker’s output, in THAT space at _____? Location, when they are positioned ___", when they are toed-in ____?, when they are tilted back a bit to change the angle of reflections off now non-parallel surfaces, ...

IOW, you will find the best combo you can get with those speakers in your space.


After gaining answers/best existing, consider what speaker could be better, do your search informed.


I realized, I don’t need a pro quality meter, just one that shows bands of output relative to adjacent bands, they have instructions to calibrate ’actual’ level, all I wanted to know was frequency balance ’received’ at my listening position. Get one with a hole for a tripod, set it up seated ear level, start with setup 'as is', then take your time messing about bit by bit



I use this test cd with specific 1/3 octave bands, so easy


That size space, I suspect you are listening too close,

Sell those B&W's and get a pair of Quad 57's. They will match well with the Mac amp and Fisher preamp. Just the right amount of power too! Your music choices will suit the 57's well!