Recommendations Wanted

Hello All,

Would like everyone’s opinion on speaker replacement as I feel it is the weak link in my system. Currently I am running a McIntosh 240 amplifier, Fisher CX-2 preamplifier, and a Linn Sondek turntable. Speakers are B&W 703 S1 and 90 db efficient from about 2009.

Sometimes the system will create that magic and disappear in the room, but mostly not. I listen at  7 feet away in a 16x22x10 room. My choice of music is jazz lp’s and some lighter rock lp’s. I occasionally like to listen at higher volumes so somewhat efficient speakers may be best. This especially since I only have 40wpc of tube power. The budget is 5k new or used.




IME, and I’ve compared them head to head, Joseph Audio speakers do everything better than B&Ws, and they’re among the best in the business at pulling off the disappearing act.  Anything JA will get you there.  Best of luck. 

before you buy new, do yourself a big favor and buy a sound pressure level meter. I did, it’s my latest ’you ought to do this’ kick.

Pro friends used theirs in my space twice years ago, then took them away. I used my ears since then. Changed back to former speakers since then.

I FINALLY bought my own! Wish I had done it years ago. gives you real answers about your speaker’s output, in THAT space at _____? Location, when they are positioned ___", when they are toed-in ____?, when they are tilted back a bit to change the angle of reflections off now non-parallel surfaces, ...

IOW, you will find the best combo you can get with those speakers in your space.


After gaining answers/best existing, consider what speaker could be better, do your search informed.


I realized, I don’t need a pro quality meter, just one that shows bands of output relative to adjacent bands, they have instructions to calibrate ’actual’ level, all I wanted to know was frequency balance ’received’ at my listening position. Get one with a hole for a tripod, set it up seated ear level, start with setup 'as is', then take your time messing about bit by bit



I use this test cd with specific 1/3 octave bands, so easy


That size space, I suspect you are listening too close,

Sell those B&W's and get a pair of Quad 57's. They will match well with the Mac amp and Fisher preamp. Just the right amount of power too! Your music choices will suit the 57's well!

Your budget, amp, taste in music, and volume all combine together to strongly recommend Tekton Moab. Mine are simply superb with all types of music, I am mostly classic rock but love jazz and classical now more than ever and this is all due to these exceptional speakers. 40 tube watts is plenty, I'm using the 20W Raven Blackhawk now and even that is more than adequate to reach quite high levels. Measured 102dB at my sweet spot 9 feet away in my 17x24x9 room.

Moab absolutely disappear in the room. Set up well with good ancillary components they make the room disappear in the music. Ignore the haters, just read them to understand how irrational they really are. 

The one downside, Moab are large. If you want smaller then go for one of their smaller models. I have heard several of them now, the full array models are where the magic lies but the DI is end game for a lot and for good reason. 

You will have to wait to get them. Unlike all the lesser speakers others will recommend Tekton are in such high demand the wait times are several months. Unlike the speakers others will recommend that are supposed to be good there are virtually none for sale used. How come if someone says a speaker is so good there are so many for sale used? Riddle me that one, Batman. 

Check out the FB Tekton Owner's Group. There you will find very knowledgeable, helpful and friendly audiophiles rich with Tekton experience. What I have told you is only the tip of the iceberg.

I might sell you my Tannoy FSMs for $5k. 94+ Sensitivity.

Love tubes. Love Jazz. Crossovers rebuilt by Danny Richie.

Big but still disappear.