For covid i had sound argument points... I clearly stated my position : vaccination of at risk population of ALL the world, second, no mass mandated forced vacccinations for children , and cheap proven multi drugs free for the others...
It is not WISE and simple to understand? THIS IS PURE SCIENCE....not poltical agenda...
Biden and Trump are idiots i dont choose between idiots..Pick the one you love...
For climate change you lied about me...
I clearly state that there is 2 factors thats all : Sun activity and men activity...
Discussing climate changes is impossible in audio thread, and it is what i said because it is TOO politically charged like covid and too complex more than covid science...Then save for UNDERLINING these 2 important related factors , the sun activity and mankind activity, i never pronounce myself MORE...
Try to be HONEST...not a sophist...Read my post in their context...
You constantly demonstrated in all threead for years your political agenda, i constantly demonstrated that i can change my mind and THINK out of any political ideology..
You are an hypocrit like some of the rightwingers you had attacked all times ...The difference is you are a leftwinger...
I am an adult not a puppet...
Try to contradict me NOW ABOUT any of my philosophical or historical points in this thread if you own a brain...
You cry out that I’m being political in debates on Covid and climate change when I’m not. You do so because you cite crazy stuff to support you claims that are easily disputed.