Basis Audio Fans

Has anyone had any contact or dealings with Basis since A.J.'s untimely passing?  I don't hear much about them on the forums or in the press lately.  I own 2 of his tables and a vector 4 tonearm.  Truly great stuff, hope the business goes forward...

Dave - I think you would have enjoyed AJ. Quite a genius but self aware to understand he didn’t know everything.  It’s a shame we no longer have the + light he put into this world. He built a wonderful sounding and affordable parts bin table for a disabled vet with MS, including experimental bearing, all silver wire, etc… Made a big difference for a real music lover. May we all seek such impacts in this world. 

@tomic601 Jim,I am sure you are absolutely correct, I never had the pleasure of meeting AJ, but I am sure that he would have been a person I would have been enamored of. Your story is one that I am not surprised about, as I had heard great things about AJ before. Pity that there is a person on this thread who represents everything that AJ was not!

I met him twice at shows and he was a soft spoken gentleman that would never bad mouth competitors and would even speak freely about limitations of his own product.  He was so open and generous with advice about turntables and tonearms.  

@daveyf, I thought the Tekton comment was a bit on the harsh side.

@larryi , and that, AJ would tell you was his major problem. He let himself get buried by the details or rather he'd go after those details until he buried them, hang the expense. He marvelled at how Dave Fletcher (Sota, Sumiko and long time friend) could make such a good turntable for so little money, something he could not manage to do. David had a hang for knowing what details he could pass over to save money. The suspension and vacuum designs were David's. I never owned a Basis but came very close once. If I were to get one now it would be the Inspiration in clear acrylic. Warning, do not get one in black or you will drive yourself nuts trying to keep the dust off of it!

My table was built in black, but, it looks grey because I don't bother to dust (I rely on dust damping of the plinth).  The platter is covered by a Charlie Rich album someone gave me which acts as a dust cover--it is by a wide margin the record most often on my player, but I have not even played it once.